“In Europe, credit could have a more important role in scale-up growth than it has today, and greater additionality”. Anna Skarborg joins P Capital Partners, founded by social investor and democracy advocator Daniel Sachs, to expand the firms’ impact leadership.

Anna Skarborg has a background from VC firms and family funds at corporations such as Northzone and Axel Johnson. She emphasizes sustainability as an opportunity, not the least for the funding side, but also the need to better understand the specific character of suitable funding in the transition. Especially at a time where some of the sustainable momentum is questioned.

One of the missing pieces when it comes to financing of Sustaintech right now, according to Anna, is tickets ranging between EURO 10 -120 million for early scale-ups that are not yet bankable. This is where non-sponsored debt funding can have great additionality:

“Entrepreneurs who are ready to scale proven technologies often lack products that can fund their journeys without diluting their ownership. With non sponsored private credit, i.e. credit offered directly to entrepreneur without a Private Equity “sponsor”, we can do exactly this. Our credit is different from the bank or the public credit available, as we can assume a different risk profile, tailor the funding to specific needs and act as a supportive partner to our portfolio companies. P Capital can bring the experience from having invested EUR 5 Billion in 176 companies in similar stages.” says Anna Skarborg.

PCP credit financing suits situations which are almost but not fully bankable by commercial banks. “By supporting these companies without ownership we can accelerate the sustainable transition and incentivize more builders in this space”, she continues.

Anna is involved in every investment made by PCP making sure that the sustainability aspects does not only cover cleantech builders but all the investments that the fund makes.

Another of her key areas is to widen the knowledge of non-sponsored private credit in general and PCP’s work for socially sustainable businesses. She will be speaking at several events this year, apart from Sweden Sustaintech Venture Day on the 9-10th of October. Anna’s expectations from attending SSVD will be to meet other fellow investors but also to present the unique opportunity of non sponsored private equity, on stage and in the panel, where she will represent PCP on stage together with Verdane, Nasdaq and Vargas.


Age: 43

Education:  Stockholm School of Economics, HEC Paris, Johns Hopkins SAIS

Future Vision: Reconnection with nature

Best book to read: The Lion Trackers Guide to Life by Boyd Varty

Sustainable leisure tip: Anything without screens